How we help family offices share their investment opportunities
Author: Keith Johnston
We encourage members to share investment opportunities with the rest of the SFO Alliance network. This way members benefit from curated deal flow from their peers.
The Club runs a stream of these events known as ‘Captained Calls’ to make this happen. These are events where members share investment opportunities – fund, direct or even products – where they have invested. The member must be willing to come on the call to briefly explain why they invested and typically the formal presentation is then done by the management team at the investment. There is no charge for this service. The advantage for members is that they get access to opportunities where a member has already conducted due diligence. In many cases these opportunities come from members who are experts in deal analysis or whose families have operating businesses which specialise in the sector being discussed. To request a captained call contact me and send me details of the opportunity – typically the investment deck. We don’t do any formal due diligence as a club, and we will only look at an opportunity and say whether we think we have members who may be interested in that type of opportunity. Once we have agreed that the opportunity works we only invite those single family offices who are members and have told us they invest in the asset class, sector and geography being discussed. Typically this means there are 5-12 attendees who attend and are focused on the opportunity. We do the inviting and we do not share any private contact details with other members. We can organise the events within two to three weeks and for deals that close quickly we can be flexible, but probably cannot organise an event in fewer than four working days (ie Monday for Thursday). There is no cost for this call and no commission or trail will be charged. Of course we would be grateful if those bringing in opportunities are able to introduce new $400m+ single family offices into the network if you think it adds-value. Our membership is free as the network is funded by running a small number of sponsored events. Finally it goes without saying that nothing in the call constitutes an investment recommendation by SFO Alliance or the family office captaining the call. Equally, since they are curated and diligenced by peers, we know that offices find them useful and investments have been made following these calls.
If you would like to find out more contact me. Keith Johnston, CEO, SFO Alliance